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Monday, December 19, 2016

Traditional Spanish Christmas Food

Sugar and shortbread overload, Madrid

Shellfish, bream, lamb, and turkey may be festive staples in Spain but nothing says Christmas quite so cloyingly as the plethora of sugary treats that weigh down tables and stomachs at the end of December. Spanish nougat (turrón) can be hard or soft but its appeals seldom wanes. Similarly popular are polvorones (shortbread, the name of which hints at the dusty debris into which they crumble) and mantecados (like polvorones but enriched with lard). Among Madrid’s oldest and best known confectioners are Casa Mira, La Antigua Pastelería del Pozo and El Riojano, all of which have been serving the sweet-toothed of the city since the 19th century. Take an appetite and expectations of a serious sugar rush.

Sam Jones. The Guardian.

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